Tuesday, December 18, 2007

List of the best vacation spots. Worst? Christmas at the Griswold's

I thought since Eric brought up vacations and hot spots, I would let you in on the top Ten places in the World that is most environmentally healthy to take a vacation. Here is the top-ten according to MSN.com.

1o. For those of you who like the world's tallest mountains check out the Himalayas. Situated between India and China in Nepal...these mountain peaks offer everything from tropical valleys with banana trees and alpine forests complete with yaks.

9. Galapagos Islands: Located off the coast of Ecudaor, the islands were the first to be declared the Natural World Heritage Site in 1978. If you are brave enough...you can actually swim with sea lions and penguins.

8. Dominca...aka "The Nature Island of the Caribbean" provides one of the tops spots for whale watching. An afternoon activity could include hiking in one of their many rainforests and relaxing in one the boiling lakes.

7. Christopher Columbus gave this next hot spot its meaning. Costa Rica. The name means "Rich Coast." Costa Rico boasts over 750 miles of beaches...four non active volcanoes....plus several outdoor adventures including...whitewater rafting...horseback riding...and skydiving.

6. Dubbed "the Jewel of Africa" Botswana offers safari trips to the unspoiled wildnerness where the elephants...lions...and hippos roam free. If your bank account can't handle a safari...then you can visit Mokoldi Nature Reserve.

5. Borneo first came to fame in whne it was the first location for the popular reality series Survivor. It made headlines two years ago when a mysterious never-seen-before catlike animal was discovered on the island. For a different place to stay...try the Sukau Rainforest Lodge where the inn is totally self-sufficient running on solar energy, rainwater, and electric-motor boats.

4. Austrailia's Great Blue Mountains makes number four on the list. It's only an hour and a half from Sydney...complete with national parks...unique flora...and koalas.

3. I know Antarctica is a odd choice for the top three but when it's wintertime here...the season is actually close to summer weather. More than 20,000 tourists flock to Antarctica to marvel at the icebergs and glaciers, penguins, and whales.

2. The Amazon comes in second place. Known as the "Lungs of our Planet" as it produces 20% of the world's oxygen supply. Running through several South American countries...you can literally walk through miles of treetops. A hike through the Medicine Trail features plants used by shaman and for modern medicine. Or you could go on a bird watching excursion.

1. And the number one environmentally sound vacation hot spot is right here in the U.S. -sort of. Alaska. Known as "The Great Land" Alaska features several parks including the Kenai Fjords National Park and the Glaciar Bay National Park.

There you have it. The top ten environmentally safe, warm vacation spots.


Justin said...

I dont think I wanna go to Alaska in the winter... but those sound like good ideas. If only I had the money...

Cassi said...

I'm not sure they'll be environmentally sound once they become tourist hot spots!

Eric Sorensen said...

Justin: You might be able to get a cheap flight to AK this time of year! :)

Renee: So true. One of my favorite vacation spots is Culebra, Puerto Rico. It's a tiny island off of the mainland but has very few people. Try googling it or it's most famous beach: Flamenco Beach. Most beautiful place I've ever vacationed to. -ERIC