Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heavy rainfall through Friday

The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center has released its latest rainfall forecast and it's not good. There is a 3 inch bbullseye right over Northern Illinois. Models are averaging 1-4 inches right now. Should we be on the wetter side of model guidance, rivers may be affected this weekend (and into next week).

Because most rivers have fallen at least a foot since they crested late last week, it is unlikely at this time that they will surpass last week's levels. Still, if you live in a flooded area (or one that is prone to flooding) be mindful of this changeable forecast!


Carrie said...

I really hope this does not hold true..the Dixon Petunia Festival is suppose to start next Wednesday on Page Park Drive near the river.(It's already been under water and I'm not sure that it is completely dry yet either). What a weather season!

Eric Sorensen said...

Let's hope not. It really isn't good for Eastern Iowa either. At least their rivers have fallen dramatically. For us, the Rock River still remains at major flood stage!

Time to do more praying! -ES

Staff said...

Wow some impressive rainfall amounts coming, not good, not good at all

Carrie said...

I agree with you about Eastern Iowa Eric..I think we have been pretty lucky here in Dixon..just hate to see any major flooding here so close to that event or at anytime. I will definitley be praying for less rain for us and for all.

Unknown said...

man oh man, you are right about the need for prayers.

Rock at Afton about a mile north of me is still 13.4, crest was 13.51? So we have barely gone down at all. My house is in the river for the second time this year.

Rain, rain, go away come again some other month.

Eric Sorensen said...

Kate: Please keep us posted up there! At least the bullseye of rainfall is far downstream from you.

Let us know if you need any info. weather@wrex.com

tony said...

eric is it just me or has the comment section of this changed now. I am noticing that comment window is just a pop up now.

Anonymous said...

i love the pop up window for the comments! keep it! :P

Carrie said...

I like the pop-up window also..much easier to use and you can still see the main page.