Monday, June 16, 2008

Houses pile up on Cedar River

AP Photo - Buildings and debris are seen floating in the Cedar River against a railroad bridge Saturday, June 14, 2008, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Days after it rose out of its banks on its way to record flooding in Cedar Rapids, the Cedar River has forced at least 24,000 people from their homes, emergency officials said Saturday. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)


tony said...

Man oh mercy, that is just horrendous. You would never think u would see houses just piled like that because of flooding. I pray for everyone who has been affected by this tragic flooding. I am almost afraid to think of what it will look like around here when the rock river finally recedes. Especially martin park. That is the worst flooding I have ever seen that park have. I still have pictures from saturday from the flooding, but the see it shoot it app still will not let me upload.

Justin said...

And I thought MY neighbors were too close...

tony said...

Also remember that summer officially starts at 6:59 pm on saturday. Boy eric, I sure hope that rainfall next week doesnt happen. That is what this area does not need, especially with the rivers taking a long time time to finally recede to below flood stage.