Monday, June 02, 2008

Incredible video from Parkersburg, Iowa tornado

A security camera inside a bank in Parkersburg, Iowa caught the EF-5 tornado as it rolled in. Simply unbelievable!

Click on the player to the left for the video. Courtesy of KCCI-TV in Des Moines.

TUESDAY UPDATE: Here's a picture of the bank after the tornado. (image courtesy of Iowa Helicopter)


Carrie said...

Like the whole event..the video leaves me absolutley speechless.

tony said...

I agree, just shows how one minute everything is calm and cool as can be, then a second later everything is torn to shreds. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

unbelievable video. i am so glad no one was in there. thanks for sharing. :)

tony said...

Looks like 13 news at 10 may be going into midnight if this hockey game doesnt end soon.

Eric Sorensen said...

I can't imagine what people must have gone through.

tony said...

Well thankfully I had the cubs to watch. That was painful to watch but thankfully it is over.