Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tuesday's Troubles

Update 12:30pm = The graphic to the left shows rainfall totals as of noon today. As expected, the hardest hit areas were along Interstate 88, while areas to the north received significantly lesser amounts of rain. This afternoon we should be able to catch a couple of rays of sunshine, which should boost our temperatures a bit. A few showers and storms could redevelop this afternoon, but if anything does get going it won't be nearly as widespread as what we went through this morning.

Update 10:30am
= The severe thunderstorm watch for Whiteside County has been canceled. As I stated earlier, Whiteside County never stood much of a chance of running into severe weather. The widespread rain across the Stateline at this time is falling at a moderate intensity with a few rumbles of thunder though no severe weather is expected with this current wave of energy. I expect this period of rain to continue into the early afternoon hours. A strong bow echo is moving through Peoria and Springfield at this minute producing wind gusts in excess of 60 mph. That intense line will continue to move away from our neck of the woods.

Original Post = A big batch of showers and storms are pushing through eastern Iowa at this hour. They are moving off to the southeast at around 35 mph. This complex of activity is moving into a much drier airmass, which should cause it to lose some of its punch over the Stateline. It appears as though the axis of heaviest rain has shifted slightly to the south. The heaviest hit areas will be those along Interstate 88 and south of there. The least amount of rain will fall for folks in southern Wisconsin. Strong and severe thunderstorms typically need a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. Since our dew points are holding in the low 50s and we continue to feel an east wind (usually a drying wind), the main severe weather threat should be to the south of our viewing area.

Severe thunderstorm watch boxes are out for most of central Illinois and southeastern Iowa. Whiteside County has been included in this watch, but is on the fringes of the worst weather. In some of the stronger cells hail and gusty winds could be witnessed. -ADAM

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