Monday, June 02, 2008

No Need for a Sprinkler System

The forecast over the next 7 days looks warm with 6 out of 7 days holding above average temperatures. Unfortunately, it also looks like a wetter weather pattern. The graphic to the left is a 5 day precipitation total for the time period running today through Friday night. It shows a large swath of heavy rain over the course of this work week. A frontal boundary will waver back and forth across the area, causing the clash of the airmasses to kick up quite a few thunderstorms. The timing for the main rain events appear to be from midnight tonight through Tuesday evening, with another likely period of rumbling coming on Friday. Severe weather also stands at a slight risk during both timeframes.

This active weather pattern is not out of the ordinary by any means. On average, the wettest month of the year is June with the Rockford area typically receiving 4.80" of rain. Are you ready for your lawn to kick into hyper-growth mode? -ADAM


Footville, WI said...

How much rain and how bad of a storm does it look like our area will get tonight and into the week?

Carrie said...

Looks like Dixon is might be getting most of the rain..does that mean we are also the most at risk for severe weather also?

Justin said...

Good thing I just mowed my grass