Friday, June 06, 2008

On the Fringes

The SPC has downgraded us from a moderate risk to a slight risk for the late afternoon and early evening hours today. From all of the data that I have analyzed, I believe the greatest area of instability is going to be to the south and east of the WREX viewing area. The way the parameters are setting up this mainly appears to be a wind event. I am not completely sold on the event developing, but the ingredients are certainly still in place to produce a few strong thunderstorms. At this point, I would say we are on the fringes of the severe weather threat for later today.

What you can bank on is the fact that we will be stuck dealing with the blustery conditions. I've seen wind gusts as high as 40 mph this morning. These southwesterly winds should continue to howl at a sustained speed of 20-30 mph through dinnertime. The heat and humidity is also going nowhere so we might as well embrace it and get used to it! -ADAM


WeatherGir said...
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WeatherGir said...

TY! The baby and I were out walking, he was in my BabyBjorn. It sure felt strong! Our neighbor was on a bike and having issues peddling at times! Weather 13 is where I go now for sure for info! I kept checking for a new blog post. Btw, is it possible to have a link to the blog in the desktop app?

Footville, WI said...

We are currently under a Tornado Watch up here!