Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday Severe Weather

Update 8:00pm - TORNADO WATCH extended through 2am.

Update 1:04pm -
TORNADO WATCH until 8pm.

Update 12:45pm - The atmosphere is becoming quite ripe for rapid thunderstorm development. Temperatures in many areas are in the 80s with dew points climbing into the low 70s. The thunderstorm that is producing very heavy rain and low visibilities in Winnebago and Rock County literally exploded. I was on-air at 12:10 and I didn't have much to show on radar, but by the time the show ended at 12:30 this thing had grown immensely. The Storm Prediction Center is planning on issuing a Weather Watch shortly for this unstable situation. All of these storms that do pop up will produce torrential downpours and very gusty winds. There still exists an outside chance for an isolated tornado to form with some spotty areas of small hail. I am handing the reigns over to Justin and Eric for the afternoon... and I am pretty sure they will be quite busy. -ADAM

Update 9:15am = As of 9:10am, a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING has been issued for western Jo Daviess and western Carroll County. This will last until 10:00am. This (severe weather threat) will primarily only affect Galena, Elizabeth, Savanna, and Mount Carroll before continuing on its path off to the northeast at 45 mph. Hail between a penny and quarter size in diameter could be seen under these cells.

The entire viewing is currently under a FLASH FLOOD WATCH that will run through Friday morning. Also, we stand at a slight risk for severe weather today. The main problem with these thunderstorms are going to be the gusty winds, which could reach up to 60 mph. Small hail and isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out, but are not highly likely with these types of squall lines. Rainfall totals could be pretty impressive with the majority of us falling in the 1-2" liquid category. That is going to be problematic, because with a saturated ground the additional rainfall has nowhere to go. -ADAM


Justin said...

What time should we expect the heaviest rainfall?

Adam Painter said...

I expect these storms to come in waves, with a couple of squall lines pushing through. Therefore, the heaviest rain will fall off and on between 1pm and midnight.

tony said...

The one storm now I can tell is passing just north and west of me. It is pitch black just to the north of my house. I think its going to miss me this time.

tony said...

Actually that storm is passing just to the northwest of my house. I mean it is just barely missing me.

tony said...
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tony said...

Is there going to be a chat now with severe weather likely.

Justin said...

So is it pretty likely that these storms will pop up out of nowhere with little warning? I have this evening planned outside.