Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tropical trouble brewing in the Gulf?

If the NAM computer model is right, we may have our next tropical depression or tropical storm by as early as Friday the Gulf of Mexico! We'll be watching this closely as any tropical weather in the Gulf would have a major impact on gasoline prices.

This is the only model that has this scenario. Let's hope it's out to lunch. Who wants $5/gallon gas? Remember the good old days when gas was less than $3?


Carrie said...

Would be nice if we could go back to those good old days..$4.00 is bad..if we had to go to $5.00 due to storms in the Gulf..what a bummer that would be.

tony said...

Ah i remeber 2 years ago when gas just over 2 dollars a gallon and even last year when they were just over 3 dollars. Of course a major storm in the gulf will give oil companies more excuses to raise prices.