Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunscreen & Swimsuits

With the direction our temperatures are heading the only apparel you will need for the middle of the work week is a swimsuit and some sunscreen. We are moving into the return flow for the next three days. Southerly winds on the backside of this large area of high pressure are going to pull in a much warmer and much more moist airmass. High temperatures look about 5-10 degrees above average during this timeframe, with dew points in the 60s. If you are heading to the pool during the middle of the day to cool off, remember that the UV Index will be around 9 at lunchtime. What this means is that you can receive damage to your skin in about 15 minutes without some sunscreen. The UV Index is lower in the morning and late afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky, but a sunburn can still occur in less than 30 minutes. -ADAM

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