Saturday, July 05, 2008

Where'd those 90s go?

Normally, I don't take such a long look out at the forecast here on the blog when we have a storm chance in a couple of days, but perhaps you've been scratching your head about the end-of-the-week heat we had in the forecast.

I've blogged before about how we like to look at computer forecast ensembles. When they suggest warmer than normal weather several days away, then our confidence in such a scenario increases. Such was the case with the ridge of heat that was expected to head our way later next week. However, looking at the data this afternoon, I was rather perplexed. Suddenly, what was originally one of the warmest day of the 7-Day Outlook looked like it could be one of the coolest. The ensembles swung back toward below normal temperatures! Digging deeper, I found the reason. A buckle in the jet stream became part of the weather picture. When one of those buckles develops near us, we get put under northwest flow - the same pattern we've been in recently. It brings in cooler Canadian air.

The kink will works its way out of here pretty quickly, though. The heat's not gone, it's just delayed. That warm air will eventually spill eastward as our flow becomes more out of the west. How long will it last? That's way too far away to figure out, although it should be noted that, as tropical systems get near the U.S., our weather systems tend to slow down a little. A lot of question marks remain regarding Bertha's future, but we'll have to see how it interacts with our weather down the road a piece.


Carrie said...

Hi Justin..just saw your weather forcast for tomorrow..It looked like we could get rain tomorrow evening but I was wondering how late? The Dixon fireworks are suppose to end our festival tomorrow..will the rain hold off for that?

Justin Gehrts said...

Anytime after mid-afternoon is when the chance exists. However, any storms that do develop will be very few and far between.

Honestly, I'm a little skeptical that any will pop up to begin with, but with so many people spending time outdoors this weekend, I thought I should at least mention it.

Justin said...

I don't think we've ever went this late in the year without reaching 90. Im assuming we haven't... the highest I remember seeing was 89.

Justin Gehrts said...

Justin - I did a little digging and found the answer to your pondering... I might mention it tonight. Otherwise, I'll leave a note for Adam and Eric so either one of them can do something with it if they'd like.

It's actually more recently than you might guess...