Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yes, I'm aware of the color bars...

... the radar computer decided to turn off last night. It also decided it doesn't want to turn back on.

Let's hope it's an easy fix... in the meantime, we'll have no radar loop from the live Madison radar on our website or on-air.


WI Weather Buff said...

So I assume that rain bucket at RFD is still as bone dry as the one in my backyard?

What is the precise ending time for the Great Sorensen-Painter wager? I have a feeling that the exact end point might be what determines the winner?

All I remember was that it was to go until "Sunday night."

Justin Gehrts said...

My understanding is that it ends at 11:59 p.m.

There's a batch of rain in northeastern Iowa that's going to come very close... it's going to be down to the wire! The suspense!

Adam Painter said...

I believe we had discussed the end time as being 7pm on Sunday night. The whole idea was capturing the time period when most people had outdoor weekend plans. The daytime hours on Saturday and Sunday.

Anonymous said...

im rooting for ya adam! two hours to go!

WI Weather Buff said...

WI Weather Buff says in her experience with ornery computers, usually if they don't want to turn back on at all it is one of the following three things:

* blown fuse
* somebody tripped over the power cord or some other critical wire
* dead clock battery (in the computer)

Justin Gehrts said...

Maybe Adam will squeak out a win... it's going to be awfully close!

WI Weather Buff said...

Time to start laying down those side wagers. My, er, dust mop, is still on Adam.

tony said...

There is 55 minutes to go, will that batch of rain make it to RFD to get that.01 for eric, or will it miss or dry up and adam win. Only time will tell.

Justin Gehrts said...

I'm almost certain Adam is going to win the wager. Barring anything unexpected, that line of showers continues to fall apart... if any of it holds together, it would reach RFD shortly after 7.