Monday, August 04, 2008

Started Off Stormy...

This Monday certainly started off stormy and it looks likely that it will finish in a stormy fashion as well. Most of the Stateline picked up around a half an inch of rain this morning. We had no severe weather early on, but the parameters are coming together for a big breakout later today. The last of the rain is pushing out of the region and behind it you can see some clearing is taking place along the Mississippi River. Even though we've been in the 70s all morning long, just a couple of hours of sunshine should still send our temperatures into the mid to upper 80s. Dew points are on the steamy side, proving there is more than enough moisture in the atmosphere to sustain thunderstorm development. The atmosphere over Iowa is very unstable and I would expect a big batch of storms to sprout around dinnertime tonight. This wave of wet weather should push into our area this evening. Although some small hail is possible, the main threat from these storms that do develop will be gusty winds between 40-60 mph.

Eric and Justin are both in later this afternoon and evening to help you weather the weather. Nothing like ending with a clever pun... -ADAM

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