I've been looking high and low and haven't had any luck recently in the search. This man has been missing (vacation) on the WREX airwaves for one full week now. With Candice King on maternity leave, I have been by myself in holding down the weather center and forced to form a "one man weather team". Rumor has it that he may be popping back on the big screen this afternoon at 5pm. Let's hope so, because I don't know what day it is anymore, let alone what show I am on. -ADAM
Adam, you have done a superb job doing the "one man weather team" especially after the active weather we have had this week, especially monday night-tuesday morning with the torrential flooding rains. At least you can go back to your normal sleep habits. We all missed eric this week and candace. How long is candace out for. I am assuming about labor day or so.
OMG.. Have you been doing Today, noon, 5, 6, 9 & 10?? And the weekend??
Don't you guys have an intern that Maggie would let you stick on the air in the morning? Or at noon?
Of course.. I am the guy who directed the AM & noon news plus ran master control for a month. (And still had time for CW promos and morning topical!)
I will be into work in two hours, with a little Texas twang. ;-)
Adam, Adam Painter has been doing a split shift...working 4-8am and 3-7pm. Eric Wilson (who did weather here at 13WREX a few years back) did weather for our 9 and 10pm broadcasts. We would never put an intern on the air, period. The only people that present weather on this station are those with experience. It's plain and simple. -ERIC
Eric, we have missed you,but I will say that I think adam did a fantastic job doing the split shift. Especially covering the flooding rains of tuesday morning. It just shows how 13 is the best. Even being short two meteorologists, you all did the best. Eric wilson did a good job on wednesday filling in when adam when home to sleep. And eric wilson did do weather for 9 and 10 a few years ago. I remember it. I think he was still working for 97'zok while doing the weather. But welcome back to eric sorenson.
Yah, Eric Wilson was a tad rusty on doing the weather at the beginning of the week, but by last night's show he was sounding pretty much like a weather dude.
Good job to all!
Eric was home yesterday morning. I saw him pull out of the driveway lol.
If you hear a jingle-jangle on TV... someone needs to tell Eric to take the spurs off.
And tell him to wipe his boots before he comes inside.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words! It makes the lack of sleep not hurt as much.
Adam Painter
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