2:43am: A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING has also been issued for southern McHenry County until 3am. Wind gusts have already been reported at 62 mph in McHenry.
2:30am: Monticello, Wisconsin = Tree reported down in the city.
Rock Grove, Illinois = 8 inch tree limbs blown down.
Lena, Illinois = Dead tree blown down on Hwy. 73 north of Lena
2:21am: The station transmitter was just hit by lightning (common occurrence). Heaviest rain moving through downtown Rockford at this time. Rain will lose its intensity within the next half hour. Behind the initial wave is much lighter rain.
2:06am: A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING has also been issued for Boone and Winnebago County until 2:45am.
1:54am: A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING is in effect for Stephenson County until 2:45am. This storm's main threat will be damaging winds in excess of 50 miles per hour. It has been producing heavy rainfall and frequent lightning strikes and is currently moving rapidly to the southeast at 50 miles per hour. -ADAM
anything severe expected for rockford metro area??
Strong winds within the next 10 minutes. Stay indoors and away from windows.
Adam Painter
From Beloit, Rock Co. (WI)
That storm blew through here at about 1:45. Very strong winds ahead of the squall, est. 55 mph.
Once the thunder & lightning arrives the winds will die down.
Winds squalls were very brief but VERY gusty.
Heh.. Supposed we should have called down there to warn y'all it was coming.
Storms packed a big punch when they rolled through Madison. We've got reports of trees down and there there's no power along parts of the Beltline (US12/US14).
Of course.. I rode out the storm in the control room at WREX's sister station in Madison.
Adam, yeah we were all at Dani Maxwell's wedding reception. At least I was already up and mobile. I worked the 10pm show and when I saw those storms blow up in Minnesota I figured they would hold up and eventually reach us.
Adam Painter
P.S. You should change your user name to "Deuce". That was your nickname here, plus then we would be back down to one Adam.
That explains why all my patio furniture is thrown about on my deck.
To be honest, I was kind of surprised when I saw that this morning! With the nice sunrise I was left scratching my head. Any official Rockford rainfall for this morning?
So thats what was going on. I remember hearing an annoying alarm noise and unplugging stuf to make it stop. My alarm clock was off, the batteries in my remote were out, and the weather radio was unplugged. I must have been out of it haha.
yeah, that storm did pack a wallop, thankfully it was a quick mover. you are right though, in loves park, like everyone else, very gusty winds up to 55 mph at the leading edge, then the wind did die down once the rain started and the lightning and thunder came in. I haven't even checked my gauge. Of course i kept checking the NWS website and they didn't issue a short term forecast for it til the storm was almost on top of us. The weather service was saying the storms would stay over the IL/Wi border, shows what they know. Plus congrats to dani maxwell on here wedding. I knew she was engaged and I see her come into walmart sometimes. Ill have to congratulate her the next time i see here come in.
So that is what happened..Woke up to no time lol. Alarm clock was just flashing. One of our lawn chairs wasn't up anymore..I was kindof scratching my head to, i saw that it rained. Gosh i slept through that?? No more tequilla for me lol..
plus I noticed how it was clear, then when the storms were just north, the leading clouds came in very fast, the storm hit,then i looked out about 330 or 4 and was a clear as a bell. that shows how fast the storm came and went. like i said, thankfully it was nothing like tuesday morning. heavy rain, but nothing torrential.
im no meteorlogist, but i am very observant when i know storms are coming, whether its severe, or just normal summertime storms.
Yeah, a rather loud night indeed! Thank goodness there were no reports of flooding! A few tree limbs down are fine when you put it into perspective! -ERIC
p.s. I am with you for tonight's 10pm broadcast. I am sure Adam will be catching up on some much needed R&R today!
Is there any chance of storms tonight? I noticed out in Iowa they have a storm watch, didn't know if that would head this way or not. I think Adam said sometime last week we could have some severe Sunday night unless that changed.
The storms that initiated the Iowa storm watch are headed southeast, so I would be surprised if we saw any precip.
Yeah i was looking at the radar and it doesn't look any where like it would come towards us..But then again the news said last night we might just see a brief shower and then we got a storm lol...
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