Thursday, September 06, 2007

We need your help!!!

We are looking to upgrade our weather page to give you more of what you're looking for!

Problem: We need to know what you're looking for!

Please visit our weather page then leave a comment here about what you'd like to see on our site. Of course, you can always send me an E-Mail too!

We know that our blog-readers love weather. That's why we're asking YOU!

Thanks in advance!!!

Eric Sorensen
Chief Meteorologist


Anonymous said...

Okay, you asked.

Frankly, I don't visit the WREX weather page very much. This Blog is much more interesting and has everything that I like to read about the weather.

That's not to say that somebody else won't enjoy what's on your weather page. I'm sure some folks do, and hey, different strokes for different folks.

I personally don't really care about all those pollen reports, gardening reports, golf reports, etc. Most people can look at the regular forecast and look outside at what's happening and figure out what the golf course will be like (in my opinion).

And I don't really need to know whether somebody thinks the current weather is likely to cause some people to experience more aches and pains. (shrug) If my joints hurt I don't need to read it on the internet, and if they don't, they don't, and I don't need to read that on the internet either.

I also don't need to read about colds & flu on a weather page. I mean, most of that stuff, if you really want to know, can be looked up elsewhere on the internet. Sorry, that's just me, but you asked.

I also don't care to download those special toolbars, or other applications, etc. I can't at work, its against company policy. And I don't want to at home because, well, lots of reasons, I just don't.

I remember back when Nate Higgins was still the chief meteorologist at WREX and he first got that first "special weather download" thingie (and were really pushing it in ads on the air, too). Well, it turned out to be a pretty powerful piece of adware and didn't deliver any more weather than I could have gotten elsewhere on the web. I wrote Nate Higgins and expressed my concern about ad/spyware (I know one of the major ones that WREX was pushing for a while came from a company in Madison, WI, was very obviously a data collection tool (sometimes called "spyware") more than it was something useful for viewers). I don't like that kind of stuff on my computer, so I never download specialized toolbars or applications from anywhere any more, & haven't for years.

I also don't really need national wx headlines - I mean, there are other weather sites from which to get national headlines.

What I DO like is when you keep it local: focus on right here, the communities in the counties you serve, and add in some features and educational stuff.

Thats my opinion. Bet you're sorry you asked, huh?

Anonymous said...

I like knowing the area information...not just Rockford. Case & point: Rockford got nearly 14" of rain in August, while Rockton received over 21 inches! Maybe local weather weather could become even more "localized".

I too skip the weather page and head right to this Blog.
What a great resource this is!

Anonymous said...

I am excited to see you were able to keep the google 'blogger', and apply it inline with your website! Thats fantastic! (I enjoy how easy it is to add comments to your blog... and the fact I wont have to re-register!).

I agree with a previous post, most of the stuff I really don't look at, like the 'weather portal' and stuff. And the 'yourcast' is really not necessary, as your blog usually gives us up to date information that we need. (its always my first place to check!)

I enjoy looking at your 7 day forecast graphic better than the one on the weather page, as it is easier to read and I am more familiar with it. :) I like how you tie in your WREX graphics on your blog (radars, weather alerts, 7 day), that is familiar to us, just like we see when we watch the news.

I understand that the weather page is a 'template' and thats why some things are the way they are, but I do enjoy what you have on your blog, and probably will most frequent the blog the most, because like the others say, its the most localized weather information around, and appreciate it! (although i may head on over to the weather page to get current information).

sorry if i am to wordy!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see an hour by hour breakdown of temp/weather.

Anonymous said...

I think the key message I hearing and I will do the same, if you can get your IT guys together with you maybe you guys can make a beta page for some of who don't mind seeing beta and work on it for some time. Of course the first serveral weeks or mos for that point the IT guys and you will be the only one's who can see it because you don't want to be blamed for a computer bug who crashes a very loyal viewer computer! Case in point here, I love html and java and all that stuff! If I could have it all I would rule the internet! HA HA HA!

You should see the webpage I am creating right now! You get to see, the 13 News Blogger's get to see if first!, It's in Beta, so don't frown at me!

Oh I think I got off the question, well I agree with everyone here right now, get it more local!


Anonymous said...

Weather page awesome Eric, but like the blog the best, as I ck often,,,,hoping you folks would open south door and swish us a little of your moisture...still i wish you`d have note/locations when power out up there and where....(estimated time of fix) as my family up there and I`m down here in Arkansas Skeeter Land.(electric vital for my daughter) Thanks, and keep on blogging!

Anonymous said...

I personally use the weather blog. I do get e-mails from you and can go to that page but I get more from the blog. It is just to crowded on the weather page. Make it more simple. I only care about the storms anyway. If it is sunny, I do not need to know allergy counts, etc. I have allergies and can figure out when the counts are high.

I do really enjoy the weather blog!!

Anonymous said...

I would really like to see more about the area not just Rockford!