Monday, December 10, 2007


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To submit your snowfall amounts and pictures, click here
. Please include your name, precise location, time of report, and current depth/condition. We will then relay this to the National Weather Service. Thank you!

9:50pm - Even though the radars depict some light snow, there are few reports of the snow reaching the ground. I suppose there could be a light dusting in some areas (which will be bad on top of the ice). The roads and unsalted walks are plenty slick. Be careful whether anything's falling or not!

8:15pm - Roadways remain VERY slick this evening. Little precipitation will fall from the skies, however as temperatures fall into the lower 20s secondary roads will be very treacherous. Be careful and reduce your speed!

4:15pm - Temperatures will dictate if our wet roads turn to ice overnight. The precipitation should wind down in the next hour or two areawide. Additional ice accumulations will not be likely from this point forward, however roadways will likely turn icy as temperatures fall into the lower 20s late tonight.

3:00pm - Temperatures are now at or below freezing over much of the area. Steady rain and sleet is being reported. Watch for additional ice accumulations through 6pm. The first areas to clear will be around Jo Daviess, Stephenson, and Carroll Counties (by 4pm). The Rockford area should begin to clear out by 6pm.

1:35pm - Temperatures are back around freezing in many locations. Freeport, Janesville, and Rochelle are at 32°. Freezing rain will continue to ice up trees and power lines through 6pm. Precipitation should taper off at this time.

12:35pm - SYNOPSIS: Our winds have just started to shift out of the northwest. They are very light, but nonetheless will bring in slightly colder air this afternoon. With the rain continuing at a fairly steady pace and our temperatures dropping back below 32 degrees by 3pm, the threat for freezing rain will return. If the trees and power lines accumulate any more ice they will start to be damaged by the weight of the ice. By 6pm we will start to see the rain change into a mix of sleet and snow. The evening commute will be just as bad as the morning commute. The skies are still expected to turn tranquil late this evening.

12:15pm - Lake Geneva reports half an inch of ice accumulation. Rockford, Belvidere, S. Beloit, Dixon, DeKalb, Shannon, Lanark all report .25" of ice accumulation. Many trees hanging from the weight of the thick ice.

9:30am - SYNOPSIS: Temperatures right now are hovering around 32 degrees. DeKalb is reporting freezing rain. Janesville and Monroe are reporting light snow, with the rest of the observation sites in the Stateline reporting rain. Some of the icy accumulations have turned slushy with the slowly rising temperatures. We are by no means in the clear yet. Heavily salted roads near Rockford are in good shape, but rural roads and side streets are still treacherous this morning from ice. Ice will continue to accumulate on trees and power lines, which will cause some to snap and break once they reach the threshold of half an inch of ice. This storm is going to be an all day event. The rain will continue at a light to moderate pace. It will likely turn into snow around dinnertime, but snowfall totals look to be fairly light. The skies should quiet down by midnight tonight. With all of this liquid on area roads and sidewalks and temperatures falling to 19 degrees tonight, refreezing will be a big issue on Wednesday morning.

8:30am - Downed power line at Rt. 120 & Rt. 47 near Woodstock. Polo reports .2" of ice accumulation. Fulton reports .25" of ice accumulation.

7:41am - Dubuque reports .4" of ice accumulation. Stockton reports .25" of ice accumulation. Mount Carroll reports .2" of ice accumulation. Green, Rock, & Walworth Counties all reporting numerous vehicles off the roadways. Frequent spinouts and cars stuck on hilly stretches.

7:40am - Report from a motorist traveling from Durand to Winnebago of witnessing 11 vehicles in the ditch.

7:10am - From the Illinois Department of Transportation:
Interstate highways in the ROCKFORD vicinity were reported 25% SNOW OR ICE COVERED

5:55am - Numerous school closings coming in. Check the ticker on 13 News Today.

5:05am - 1/10th of an inch of ice has accumulated at Woodstock, Roscoe, & Winnebago.

4:10am - Almost all precipitation has changed to freezing rain. Air temperatures across the Stateline are in the upper 20s and near 30 degrees.

4am - If you have any road conditions to report, please email me at

3am - Thin coatings of ice being reported on sidewalks and roadways.

2am - Sleet and freezing rain has become widespread across the Stateline viewing area. Fog is thick with most visibilities around 1 mile.

10:38pm -Precipitation is underway at Des Moines in the form of freezing rain. No sleet or snow at the onset.

10:30pm - 13Microcast ice accumulation forecast:
Galena 0.36"
Monroe 0.40"
Beloit 0.49"
Lake Geneva 0.54"
Freeport 0.55"
Rockford 0.58"
DeKalb 0.68"
Savanna 0.68"
Rochelle 0.70"
Dixon 0.71"

9:35pm - Evening computer models coming in with robust amounts of liquid precipitation. Unfortuantely much of this will fall and freeze upon contact. Averaging the freezing rain amounts from our models right now I get about 1/2 to 3/4" of precipitation. This is a little more than what fell a week ago Saturday.

9:00pm - Ice Storm Warnings are now in effect for the following counties: Green WI, Rock WI, Walworth WI, Winnebago IL, Boone IL, McHenry IL, Carroll IL, Ogle IL, Lee IL, Whiteside IL, DeKalb IL. Freezing rain and sleet is currently moving northward out of Missouri into Southeastern Iowa. I expect another three hours of dry weather before the nasty stuff arrives.

The evening computer models are coming in right now. I will try and post an update after the CW News is over and before 13News 10@10 begins. -ERIC


Justin said...

Yay I was waiting for one of these posts. We've had exclusive winter weather coverage it seems like 5 or 6 times now.

Krista said...

Major ice event on the way..of course all of the teachers are hoping for that day off...if it doesn't happen, please remind students to be safe at the bus stops. It is very hard for cars to stop at intersections and kids have a tendency to bolt toward the bus when it arrives. Please be careful!

Candice said...

How do you put a picture next to your comment?

The Ellis Family said...

What is the forecast ice amount for Harvard please Eric..THANKS

Adam Painter said...

Mark, I'm estimating between 1/4 and 1/2 inch of ice for you in Harvard.

The Ellis Family said...

Thankyou Adam

tony said...

Seems like this storm was more rain than freezing rain. Our trees around our house and fence was ice covered when i got from work shortly after 7pm and some of the side residential streets are slick. Eric, now that this storm has wound down, what are the chances that the snow we have now will stick around 2 more weeks for christmas. I noticed the 7 day that temps are going up next week. I hope we dont get into the 40s and melt this snow so we can have a white xmas.

Eric Sorensen said...

Tony: You are correct. Getting up to 34° really saved us here! If we would have stayed at or below 32° the result would have been very different.

As far as the extended outlook, I am seeing some warm air for Dec 18-21...potentially some 40s around. Still can't rule out a pre-Christmas snowstorm, but I'm thinking the chances of a white Christmas are about 60%. 40% of a brown one.

I will hilite this prospect in coming days (so long as it stays quiet around here).


tony said...

It does seem like whenever a major ice storm might happen, we tend to get to warm to really make it bad. That is rockford for you. Also eric, where do u go for extended outlooks as far as temp and precip. I noticed that the models on here only go out 8 days. Is there a certain website that I can access to look at the extended for like 10 days.

Eric Sorensen said...

Tony: I can't give away my secrets. The guys at OVTW and RFIW might be watching! ;)

Anonymous said...


looking at the radar it looks like we may get a dusting of snow? it just doesn't want to go away!

tony said...

I saw the radar too, but I looked out our window and nothing is falling. Eric is hilarious. That is true, we don't want those amateur weather people at the other stations getting the secrets.

tony said...

I just went to a site eric emailed me and looks like we are going to be at or above normal for temps all the way thru xmas. I went to another site and it shows above normal temps and precip thru xmas. Now whether that means more snow for xmas, remains to be seen, but I hope it does.